Dandruff Treatment

If you have an itchy scalp, flakiness, or greasy patches along with tightening of the scalp, you may be suffering from dandruff. It is a type of hair ailment that is needed to be cured before it further damages your scalp. At A Derma Health Lasers and Cosmetology, we offer you risk-free and satisfactory hair care treatments with effective results. We aim at identifying the reason behind the issue and suggesting the most appropriate treatment option according to your scalp and dandruff condition.

What is Dandruff Treatment and its Symptoms?

Dandruff is a skin disorder that affects the scalp area. Clinically, excessive exfoliation of the dead skin cell results in dandruff. The foremost reason behind the problem includes oil, dirt and amalgamation of fungal infections. They injure your hair and scalp by affecting your hair follicles.

The common symptoms include an itchy scalp, flakiness, red & greasy patches, and a tingling sensation on the scalp.Dandruff Treatment

Causes of Dandruff

The root cause of dandruff is not known but it may involve numerous genetic and environmental factors. Some of the observed causes include:
⦁ Improper shampooing
⦁  Dry skin
⦁ Irritated oily skin
⦁ A yeast-like-fungus (feeds on oils of the scalp
⦁  Sensitivity to hair care products
⦁ Skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema

Dandruff can result in situations like

⦁ Secretion of sebum from sebaceous (skin oil)glands
⦁ Metabolic by-products of skin microorganisms formation.
⦁ Allergy and susceptibility to infection.

Treatments available for Dandruff

The treatments for dandruff are carried out to improve the condition of hair & hair roots. Also, they prevent further severe damage to the scalp.
At Derma Health Lasers and Cosmetology, we provide you anti dandruff treatment after taking proper history and diagnosing the root cause of the problem.