Meso Treatment
Meso (mesotherapy) treatment is a procedure to treat hair loss and for hair regrowth. Mesotherapy treatment is a non-surgical alternative for hair regrowth. Mesotherapy is a procedure in which the scalp is provided with boost of vitamin & blood flow is improved for hair regrowth. The procedure treats bald patches of the head and activates the follicles to show positive results for hair regrowth in both men & women. It activates the hair follicles to display positive results for hair regrowth. A Derma Health Lasers and Cosmetology offers the best mesotherapy treatment in Faridabad.
In this treatment, a vial is injected into the hair loss areas of the scalp. The vial consists of constituents necessary for restoration and revitalization of hair. Various types of multivitamins and supplements are used for rejuvenation of roots of hair. Mesotherapy helps in faster growth of your hair follicle and its survival in long run due to active blood circulation. Mesotherapy treatment takes 10 to 30 minutes depending on the area of thinning hairs or baldness. Mesotherapy treatment requires around 6-8 sessions to see visible results.
Mesotherapy Treatment mixture contains:
⦁ Amino acids (alanine, aspartic acid, proline, cysteine, glutamine, glycine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, arginine,lysine, phenylalanine, serine, threonine and taurine)
⦁ Minerals (zinc, , copper, manganese, selenium and chrome)
⦁ Hyaluronic acid (1.5%)
⦁ Ginkgo Biloba extract
⦁ Vitamin A, C, E, and B-complex
Post Mesotherapy Precautions:
⦁ Take care of your scalp, avoiding any rubbing or washing immediately
⦁ Intake of painkillers to reduce the mild-pain