Acne Treatment
Acne is one of the most common skin conditions around the world that give rise to bumps mostly on the face, forehead, shoulders, chest and upper back part of your body. They pop up due to a various causes including stress, genetic, fluctuating hormone level, high humidity and use of oily or greasy personal care products. Teenagers are the most affected age group but age is not the only factor. Acne is a condition where the pores of your skin are blocked by hair, sebum, bacteria, or dead skin cells. The problem of acne mainly affects teenagers and young adults undergoing hormonal changes. A lot of people continue struggling with acne into their 20s, 30s, and beyond. Some of them even develop acne for the first time as adults.
Different Forms of Acne
⦁ Blackheads: Open bumps on the skin filled with excess oil and dead skin. The irregular light reflection off the clogged follicle leads to appearance of dark spots.
⦁ Whiteheads: Bumps that remains closed by oil and dead skin.
⦁ Papules: Small red-pink inflamed bumps.
⦁ Pustules: Pimples that contain pus. They are white in color surrounded by red rings, picking and scratching of which can lead to scarring.
⦁ Fungal acne (Pityrosporum folliculitis): Formed due to excess yeast development in the hair follicles. They can become itchy and inflamed.
⦁ Nodules: Solid pimples deep in your skin. They are large and painful.
⦁ Cysts: Pus-filled pimples that can cause scars.
Acne in any form can affect your self-esteem and lower your self-confidence.
What causes acne?
Acne is primarily a hormonal condition driven by androgen hormones. They characteristically become active during the teenage and young adult years. Sensitivity to these hormones, combined with surface bacteria on the skin and fatty acids within oil glands can result in acne. Certain things that can cause acne or make the condition worse are fluctuating hormone levels around the time of a woman’s period, picking at acne sores, clothing, and headgear (hats and sports helmets). Weather conditions like high humidity and air pollution can also lead to acne or other skin problems. Pimples can also develop by using oily or greasy personal care products like heavy lotions, creams, waxes and hair pomades or at your workplace where your skin routinely encounter grease or oily substances. Stress upsurges the hormone cortisol which in turn can flare up the acne.
Acne Treatment
We customize the treatment according to the stage and condition of the acne problem.
⦁ General care: minor acne problems can be managed with general skincare like proper face wash and proper care.
⦁ Medical treatment: medical treatments include oral and topical medications prescribed according to the need of your skin.
⦁ Organic Peeling treatment: Organic peeling is one of the best treatments for acne/pimples. The treatment cures the acne while correcting the color and texture of the skin simultaneously.
Acne is a skin ailment that is painful and upsetting and you often try so many home remedies as told by your peers, family and relatives. You should not go by mob mentality as a treatment well suited to one person may not work at all for you also. At Derma Health Lasers and Cosmetology, we provide acne treatment after taking proper history and customizing treatment according to your need. If you want to get rid of acne, contact Derma Health Lasers and Cosmetology today and discuss your situation.